The future of JavaScript in Coding
Here is another article on my blog today and it is about the future of JavaScript in coding and how it has changed the world as we all know JavaScript is a very powerful programming language.
JavaScript: It is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used by web developers mostly and it deals with the behavior of a website. It is also used to perform some functions in HTML elements.
JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995, during his time at Netscape Communications. It was inspired by Java, Scheme and Self. Netscape, for a time, made the best browser in the world and enjoyed market dominance. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the main front end languages we have in web development. JavaScript was used in building frameworks like React JS, Node JS (a JavaScript Back end framework), Electron JS, Vue JS, Vanilla JS etc. Frameworks like React JS are now used to quickly develop user interfaces efficiently. Redux is another JavaScript framework commonly used with React or Angular, that lets developers create predictable and easily testable applications .
JavaScript: This is a super-popular programming language primarily used in web apps. But it doesn't have much to do with Java besides the name. JavaScript runs a lot of the modern web, but it also catches a lot of flak for slowing browsers down and sometimes exposing users to security vulnerabilities.
Companies that makes use of JavaScript - Apart from developers, companies have been using JavaScript efficiently. YouTube, Google, Facebook and others were built with the language. Google hired a developer, Misko Hevery who created Angular JS, few months after it's release Google bought the project and now it is the main web framework of Google and it is mainly maintained by Google. We also have React JS, implemented by and Maintained by Facebook. Most Developers believe JavaScript is the most powerful programming Language. It can also be used in back end with the help of Node JS. It can be used to solve mathematical equations and it can also be used to create software applications with the use of Electron.Js for example GitHub Desktop application was developed with Electron.Js. Open Source in JavaScript and most programming languages of the world grows in Nigeria according to GitHub Octoverse.
Developers can now check an explore the frameworks they should learn in 2020 at:
In conclusion, JavaScript is used in conferences like Vue JS Amsterdam, React Js Conference etc. As the world keeps using JavaScript everyday there will be improvement in tech communities and there will be many developers who will want to showcase what they have done with JavaScript.